9 APRIL 2023 (14 MIN READ)

A couple of weeks ago, tears rolling and body tense, I declared to the universe that I wanted no part in the reality I was living in at the time. Although my years of monk mode were beneficial for healing my trauma, I reached a point where I was ready to experience the joyful abundance of the universe, not sitting in my house alone all day doing shadow work. I wanted more friends who reflected my energy, better results professionally, and many more moments of laughter than what I was currently experiencing. I kept asking the universe why it wasn’t meeting me with what I was trying to manifest, as everything I had been doing should have gotten me the results I desired. The months of constant work and writing. The release of repressed trauma that was previously dictating the way I showed up in the world. And of course, the beautiful new podcast studio I had finally finished constructing. Within my entitled, egoistic cry, it finally hit me that maybe I wasn’t doing everything. To figure out what I may not be doing, I reached out to a mentor of mine who told me one phrase that shook me to my core: 

“Lucas, you can’t trick God.”

If God is constantly witnessing itself through us, then nothing goes by without God noticing. This means that beyond action, every thought and feeling you have, God witnesses. Digging deeper, I asked myself, “Are the thoughts and sensations that God has been witnessing through me aligned with the energy of what I’m trying to call in?” Quickly, I realized that the answer was a FUCK no and the entitlement I previously possessed withered away. If God/the universe is the matchmaker aligning us with whatever exists on our frequency, and God sees us all, then there is no way to deceive God and bypass what they know. Contrary to my years conning college admissions officers and job interviewers, this whole concept of integrity seemed so foreign to me. Due to this truth of not being able to deceive God, it hit me that I had to change all my thoughts and feelings to align with what I was trying to call in. Since I wanted more friends who aligned with my belief system, I couldn’t be thinking all the time, “there is no one out there for me who could possibly get me. I’m going to be an introverted loner my whole life.” No matter how many times I went to different social events and put myself out there, if that was my predominant thought about the situation, how could the universe possibly align me with what I wanted? 

In order to satisfy this curiosity and figure out how to actually align myself with what I’m trying to call in, I spent some time figuring out what the law of attraction is really about. Here is what I found:


On a more spiritual, metaphysical level, the law of attraction can be defined as receiving from the universe what your internal world allows you to align with energetically. So, if all your thoughts are those of victimhood and how much of a piece of shit you are, then the universe will attract situations that will reflect that energy. Conversely, the opposite of that would also be true: if you feel great about yourself, then you will probably attract situations that mirror that reality. Since many people read buzzwords like “God,” “the universe,” or “energy” and quickly roll an eye, I’m going to begin the meat of this article by explaining the law of attraction in the most literal way possible, without any woo-woo jargon. To help me illustrate my explanation, consider the story of Anne, a 25-year-old woman whose father was not around much when she was a kid, and when he was, he was very hard on her. From her childhood experiences, Anne conditioned her mind to believe that not only was she not worthy of male love, but if it ever came, it would have to be harsh and demeaning. Fast forward to the present moment, where she is dating a man who all her friends despise and remain confused as to why she stays with him. He rarely spends time with her, as he is often out partying and cheating on her, but when he does, he is always rude and emotionally abusive. 

The reason Anne stays with and is attracted to this man is because he is reflecting what’s going on inside of her. In her mind and body, she unconsciously feels like she is not worthy of healthy love, where she is cherished and taken care of properly, so it’s impossible to accept that treatment if it ever comes. On the other hand, since she feels like she is only worthy of a man who is never really there and treats her like shit, it’s easy for her to accept that. If we unpack this example to its most basic form, Anne can only accept from the external world what reflects her internal world. Although we got to that conclusion with no spiritual lingo, how is that truth any different to the original definition of the law of attraction? It’s not. We can only take in and hold onto what reflects our own inner worlds. 

As was hinted to in the example, most of us have these blockages in our systems that we have no idea are stopping us from receiving what’s good for us. Therefore, the first step in benefiting from the law of attraction is to figure out what inside of you is stopping you from receiving the external thing that your heart desires. Whether it be wanting an amazing romantic partner, great new friends, or a perfect new job, we have to realize what’s happening inside of us that isn’t letting us get there. 


When we arrive at a moment where we feel like we aren’t getting what our heart desires, although it’s deeply painful, THAT moment is your time to locate the blockage in your system and work on clearing it. Whether it be feeling romantically dry when your heart craves connection or being stuck in a professional rut where we aren’t progressing, those tough moments serve as beautiful invitations to locate the unconscious limitations our mind has created, which are affecting our ability to attract what we desire. Let’s discuss the example of being in a professional rut. Consider the story of Bob, a young aspiring writer who has dreams of writing the next great American novel. If we were to unpack this situation with an engineering lens, Bob is trying to call in the energy and reality of being the author of a great American novel. Therefore, his phone, which in this analogy is his mind, has to be dialed into the frequency or signal of that dream. If his mind isn’t dialed into the right signal, then he will lose connection with achieving that goal every time. 

Unfortunately, Bob can’t get the signal correct and keeps letting this dream slip away from him. But why? As Bob’s magic phone company representative, I had to take a deep dive into his unconscious mind to find the answer. Starting from a practical element, was Bob doing the work required to accomplish that goal? To do so, he would have to be writing the book consistently, but also doing other forms of writing to develop the skill set to be the next great American author. Bob was barely writing the book and not doing enough writing outside of it to become a skilled writer. What was causing this behavior? Whenever Bob would think about writing the book, he would always tell himself that it wasn’t even worth writing it because it would never amount to anything. That repetitive loop of unworthiness would continuously stop him from writing. So, to make his magic phone start working again, I let him know that he would have to lose this mental story of unworthiness. Furthermore, I asked him, why does it have to be the great American novel? Why can’t it just be a novel?

Upon further investigation, I realized that he thought so little of himself, that the only way he conceived to love himself was to be the most externally successful version of himself he could be. I told him this amount of pressure paired with his low self-worth were not allowing him to actually sit down and write, making it impossible for him to achieve the goal he was desiring. So, the strategy I gave him to fix his magic phone was to remind himself that he CAN write, but at this moment in time it may not be a great American novel level of writing. This means that his new goal should just be to sit down every day and write a book, without any attachments of what the release of it might look like. This way, the pressure that was previously holding him back would go away and he could feel worthy enough to start writing something. Therefore, the new number he was dialing was just writing a book, which he could definitely sync up to in his mind and connect with. 

If Bob were to throw a hissy fit and get mad at me for not believing in him enough, then I would tell him he could actually do it. But it would require a complete rewiring of his brain that would be even harder than writing the next great American novel.


In order for Bob to reach his goal of writing that high level of a novel, he would have to align himself with the energy of it. This doesn’t mean singing kumbaya and magically calling it in, but rather, rewiring his brain to feel worthy enough of that metric and discipline his mind enough to do the work. This looks like eradicating any thought that doesn’t align with the goal, such as “I’ll never be able to do that,” or “there’s no point in me even trying”. Thus, any thoughts that take power away from Bob and his pursuit will have to be squashed with love. Why I say love, is that too many people in these situations use shame to break away from these mental loops, but what ends up happening when we use shame is that the sticky vibration of those thoughts get stuck in the body and show up in other detrimental ways. To actually replace the thoughts AND lose the traumatic energy that comes with them, look at those thoughts when they come up with love. Imagine the side of yourself when you were younger who had to think that way to protect themselves from more pain. Feel that younger version of yourself, send them love, but gently let them know you steer the ship. 

In action, this would look like noticing a thought such as, “I shouldn’t write because it will be terrible,” remembering what younger version of yourself believed that, sending them love, and then choosing to repeat a more empowering thought like “I should write because I have the potential to write an amazing book.” Although this doesn’t seem like much in the moment, after a couple of months of going through this process, you will notice the insecure thoughts not showing up as much. But even more powerful, you will notice the better thoughts that you had been forcefully installing in your brain coming up naturally. At this moment is when you start realizing that you are beginning to match the frequency of what you are trying to call in. In more literal terms, you are starting to feel more worthy of accomplishing your goal, and therefore more capable of it too. 

However, to get here takes a seriously disciplined mind. It’s easy to replace the thoughts for a couple of days or even a week, but most people slip back into old ways, either from a place of laziness or unconsciousness due to the familiarity of going back to old manners of thinking. To break this, you must declare to be militant on rewiring your mind, with no chance of slipping back into the previous way of thinking that got you nowhere. A thought that keeps me accountable is the one that I mentioned at the beginning of this article: “You can’t trick God.” If God is the ultimate matchmaker between me and the thing I am trying to call in, and they see EVERYTHING, then I cannot be caught slacking or cheating. I must be seriously disciplined to call the new energy in. There’s NO other way. 

Although replacing your detrimental thoughts is of paramount importance, sometimes thinking is not enough. You have to FEEL the accomplishment of the goal at the tip of your fingers to truly align with it and call it in. 


Your mind doesn’t know the difference between imagination and reality. If you don’t agree with that statement, then how can you explain anxiety? The vast majority of anxiety is caused by a false belief of a future event that has not even happened. Therefore, an imagined reality can cause immense suffering in the present moment, as if it was really happening. Unfortunately, society only talks about the negative effects of this phenomenon, forgetting the most powerful one in the process: visualization. Just like you can believe a negative event in the future entirely, you can believe in a positive one with just the same power. While I personally believe that giving your thought and energy to a future event will attract it, I will try my best to explain it in less spiritual terms. Anyone can agree that the more you believe in something, the more likely you are to do things to get there. For example, if you believe a romantic interest really likes you, then you are more willing to flirt with them and eventually ask them out, even though that belief could be entirely incorrect. Similarly, for any external dream you want to call in, the more you believe it will come, the more you will create aligned action to get there. 

In practicality, if we were to go back to our friend Bob, and he really believed he had what it took to produce a great novel, he would be inclined to write more and do anything else to make that dream a reality. In order to create this effect in our minds, let’s discuss how we do it all the time when it comes to anxiety. Let’s say you took a test in high school and you think you didn’t do that well. That potential reality then gets coated in the dread of anxiety, forcing you to think of various ways to make up for it now, such as working harder on homework assignments and being extra nice to your teacher until the test comes back. So, the theoretical future event got mixed with the intense emotion of anxiety to create a plan to better a potential future that doesn’t even exist yet. As you can see, when an emotionally triggering future event gets combined with an intense emotion, we begin to behave in the present moment as if the event has already happened. 

For Bob to make good of this mental reality, he will have to combine a powerful emotion with an accurate visualization of him having a bestselling book. To do so, I would tell Bob to spend time in meditation cultivating the sensation of love and allow it to become as intense as possible. Once he has gotten to a point where it's borderline overwhelming, he will then visualize himself writing the book consistently, as well as specific moments of the book’s success, such as getting the call that it’s a bestseller or seeing it on a billboard. When visualizing these moments, be as specific as possible about the details, like how it smells or what the people around you are wearing. The more detailed the scenery, the more it feels like reality. If you repeat this process for about ten minutes a day for the foreseeable future, you will truly begin to feel like the future moment is already here, making you believe in yourself and what you are doing to get there.

(For those of you open to the metaphysical world, sprinkle in a chosen object to each of your visualizations, such as a banana or a Gatorade bottle. Whenever you see these objects in the external world and your heart is in an open space, that will be a sign that you are doing the right thing and are exactly where you need to be.)


In order to make use of the law of attraction, you first have to sit with how your internal world is creating what you accept and attract into your external world. With this newfound awareness, locate the parts of yourself that aren’t in alignment with the reality you want to create. Make sure to try and understand their roots, as well as coat those historical parts of yourselves with love, not shame. Next, to free yourself from this part of you that’s stuck in past patterns of pain, rewire their thought patterns to become more aligned with the future you are trying to call in. Keep repeating this process until those thoughts you manually installed in your brain start coming up automatically. And finally, use the power of visualization to really believe in your future, which will allow you to become more inspired to create aligned action to achieve your goals. With enough time and practice, if you become disciplined about this process, you will be able to accomplish whatever you want.



